Custom Services

Framed map

Bespoke maps and artwork

Like the style of our artwork but want something custom? We can provide you with a range of services including:

  • custom maps
  • personalised artwork
  • GPS data overlays

For custom work we supply proofs for you to sign-off on prior to delivery.

Box overflowing with medals

Alternative event souvenirs

Why consider our custom artwork for your event?

  • Stand out by offering something unique.
  • For a smaller number of participants t-shirts and medals can be cost prohibitive.
  • Digital artwork can be sent out with results.

We can supply options to suit your budget from digital downloads to postcards and prints.

Pages from logo presentation

Design and branding

Whether you're starting a new company or refining the image of an existing one we can help develop your identity. Be it a logo or a complete branding package, our approach will guide and inspire you through research to final designs.